Friday, October 27, 2017

Scuba Diving

When I was driving back home from Arizona and spoke on the phone with Clint and Patrick, Clint had asked me if we were going to be able to continue to do many of the adventures that we had enjoyed as a family.  I replied that how and when we would make those activities happen may have to be different, but generally speaking we would still pursue all the adventures we had in the past.

Sarah and I had recently take up the hobby of Scuba diving.  We had spent the last two anniversary trips in Florida diving in the keys.  We both enjoyed it and were looking forward to sharing this with the kids.  Clint had actually trained with Sarah when she got certified, but was sick on the day they went to the lake.  In July, we drove out to Balmoreah Spring State Park and took turns diving in the giant pool with Clint.  Laura briefly gave it a try too.

I signed Clint and Laura up for diving lessons at one of the local dive shops.  Laura was very intimidated by the academic part of the training, but she is such a great swimmer I knew that she would do great in the pool.  Clint remembered most of what he had been taught the year before and was a great example.

In October we went back to Balmoreah for their open water checkouts because the conditions there are close to perfect for new divers.  The first day both Clint and Laura did great.  However that afternoon and evening, Laura's stomach got really upset.

The next day, a cold front had passed through and the air temp was quite cooler.  The spring's water temp is always 72 so they were still able to dive.  Clint was able to finish up all his certification tasks.  Laura was cold and didn't want to get in the water so she didn't finish up that day.