Thursday, October 3, 2024

"We're praying for you"

Please stop.  

    The phrase "we've been praying for you" is yet another cheap platitude that is more insulting than reassuring and does nothing more than to make you feel good.  I honestly take it as more an insult than a blessing.   All that tells me is that you want to make yourself feel better without actually doing anything. 

    First, I don't believe for one second that you've given me or my family a second thought much less have been pouring your heart out to God on our behalf.  If you don't know any details about me or my family (such as how many kids I have) then I have zero belief that you are constantly praying over us.  Truth be told, I don't believe that there is anyone in any church, anywhere that even knows my kids exist.  I do know for a fact that no one in the church cares about my kids (or at least not enough to reach out to them).


    Second, the Apostle Paul said "5Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."

See prayer is an expression of faith but just like faith without works it is dead unless it is followed up by practical action.  I'd much rather have your help than your prayers.  Most single parents are drowning under the crushing load of work, chores, bills, errands, doctor/dentist visits.   Before you pray for me, help me catch up on laundry, dishes, mow the grass.  

If I need real help, the church is last place I search for it.  My first call is to my unrepentant heathen brothers in the military.  I never have to wonder if they will come through for me.

  Third, prayer request time is usually a thinly veiled act of gossip, victimhood, bragging, and virtue signaling.   Some of the requests are genuine but far too many are nothing more than a way to grab attention and sympathy.  It gets quite ridiculous at times. 

    Prayer has real power.  To quote a USAF survival manual "Regardless if a deity is actually listening, there is a real impact in stating you needs and fears out loud."   Speaking aloud what we are afraid of, grateful for, worried about, and hope to come has both psychological and spiritual real effects.  However as James noted those prayers need to be followed up with real action.

    So if you care about me and my family at all, please stop praying for me and come fold my laundry.