Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Keys

We spent this past week in the Florida Keys and had a wonderful time.  

Monday we drove from Coca Beach to Key Largo.  As usual we found ourselves driving through thunderstorms.  We actually beat Grandma and Grandpa to the campground for once, but only by about five minutes.  

Tuesday, Clint, Laura and I went Scuba Diving.

After the first dive, Laura had a problem with her braces gabbing her in the gums due to the regulator mouthpiece, so she sat out the second dive.  We found an orthodontist who fixed her up so she could go diving the next day.  

The next day Grandma and Grandpa took the little boys and headed on toward Key West while we went diving again and followed after lunch.  On my first dive, one of my weight pockets fell out, so I couldn't descend, but the dive master took care of Clint and Laura who saw a moray eel and a nurse shark.  On the second dive Clint got really tired swimming against the current so the dive master took him back up to the boat. 

After our dives were over, we picked up our trailer and drove down the road to Key West.  Once we got there and set up our trailer, Mom and Dad went out for dinner and I took the kids to the grocery store.  

Next morning Laura wasn't feeling well, so Clint and I went for another dive.   After this dive, he was  a little burnt out from all the dives so we decided to cancel the dive scheduled for Saturday.  Instead we booked a fishing trip with one of the local charter boats.

After lunch and a nap, I took the older kids to see Ernest Hemingway's house.  Laura could have cared less about the history, she only cared about the cats.

For dinner I took the kids to see the famous Mallory Square Sunset Celebration.  I had my own reasons for this.  Sarah and I had celebrated our 14th anniversary here two years ago.  

I wanted the kids to remember that Sarah's memory will always be with us.

The next day we woke up supper early to catch the ferry to Ft Jefferson out in the Dry Tortugas National Park.  The boat ride was a bit long, but the kids did well.  We explored the fort and then snorkeled in the waters around the island.  

Saturday I took Clint, Laura and Patrick fishing.  The captain took us out past Sand Key into the Gulf Stream to find some Mahi Mahi.  The kids hooked three keepers almost right away.  Laura caught a Bonito that she had a hard time reeling in until something bit off it's tail and Clint caught one whole. I caught two barracuda and at the very end of our trip, a pretty big Mahi.  At one point we had something big, probably a sailfish on the line, but it broke off long before we could get it back to the boat.

That evening we took our catch to a nearby restaurant who cooked them for us.  

Today we left the keys behind and started working our way back home.  We visited the Everglades National Park and camped in central Florida near Lake Okeechobee.  Tomorrow we arrive at Disney.

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