Monday, November 12, 2018

Year two

I've read in several books and articles that for those of us who have lost a loved one, the second year is actually the hardest.  Everyone else has moved on with their lives and expect you to have done the same.  However the gaping hole in your heart is still there, and the reality that it will never be filled starts to set in.

At this point I am several month past "year one" and into this difficult year where all the pain is still there but few understand how much I'm hurting inside.  The isolation and busyness of life as a single dad can be overwhelming at times and there isn't really anyone in my life that understands this.

I don't understand why God seems to want me isolated like this.  I never had many close friends growing up and it's nearly impossible to develop any kind of close relationship while being responsible for a small herd of children.  I gave the dating scene a try, but adding rejection on top of grief was just too much for me.

Some days I wish I was the Tin Man

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