Saturday, March 17, 2018

Spring Break 2018

With our new trailer, this spring break is a new experience and a good test run for our planned summer road trip.  There have been quite a few learning experiences along the way, but I can say that traveling with 5 kids in a trailer by myself is living up to my modest expectations.

We left Fort Worth Saturday morning and drove to Fredericksburg TX.  I arrived just before sun down so I was in quite a hurry to set up camp before dark.  We managed to check in, set up camp, cook dinner, and finish our smores in about 2 hours.  With some more practice I think we can get this done with minimal drama.  The kids favorite part of the campground was the giant pile of dirt near the campsites.

The next morning was the morning after time change, so we all slept in (a recurring theme on this trip).  When everyone was up and breakfast was done, we loaded up and drove into town.  We swung by Luckenbach and had to double back for our jackets because it had gotten quite cold and windy.  We had lunch at the Airport Dinner located at the municipal airport.

After that, we visited the National Museum of the Pacific War where we toured the exhibits there.  It was interesting reading about the battle of Okinawa since I had done some research about Grandpa Beadle's time there.

Monday morning, we planned on going to Enchanted Rock.  But by the time we got there the park was completely full.  So we ent back to Fredericksburg and ate lunch then visited the pioneer museum.  Clint and Laura each made a nail in the blacksmith shop.  Back at the campsite, the kids enjoyed playing on the playground and other activities.

Tuesday the plan was to wake up early and leave camp in time to make it back to Enchanted Rock as soon as the park opened.    That part of the plan worked perfectly, the problem was that almost everyone else had the same idea.  There was a mile long line of cars waiting to get into the park.  So we bypassed the park and instead headed to Perdenales Falls.  We got there before the rush and enjoyed climbing around the rocks there.  After that, we drove to New Braunsfels and of course we had to stop at Buccees for gas before setting up camp at the new RV park.

Wednesday, we went to the Natural Bridge Wildlife park.  Of course all the other families with kids on spring break were there too so there was quite a line.  By the time we got into the park all the animals had had their fill and were ignoring most of the cars.  We came back to the campground and enjoyed pizza for dinner before swimming at the pool till dark.

Thursday we explored the Riverwalk and the Alamo before meeting an old friend for dinner.  Lee Wright and I had grown up together in Beaumont.  He joined the Army shortly before I got out of the Marine Corps.  He now has a big family including a couple of foster kids.  We drove around San Antonio and visited all the spots I remember from when Sarah and I lived here.  San Antonio was the first place I really felt like we made a home together.

Friday we packed up camp and meet another old friend from San Antonio for lunch.  The kids hit the bookstore before driving out to Ft Stockton.  Driving on the highway while pulling this trailer absolutely murdered my gas milage, but we didn't have any other problems.

Today we got our swimsuits on and drove out to Balmoreah State Park where Laura finished her scuba diving certification.  This is the same place that we came to back in October and Clint had finished then, but Laura needed a bit more training.  I was really proud to see Laura finish up her training so we can just focus on enjoying our dives this summer.

For now, the trailer is a little worse for wear, but nothing I can't easily fix.  I think we've debuged most of the systems.  Tomorrow we will head home and back to school on Monday.  I've really enjoyed this spring break with the kids.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

New house, New home.

I'm officially a homeowner again.  

We have been renting a nice 4 bedroom house in north Fort Worth for the past two years.  It met our needs and we have made a lot of friends in our neighborhood.  There are twenty kids on our end of the street and our kids can ride their bikes to school.  The house needed some work, but nothing I wouldn't be able to handle.

I decided early on that I would not be moving anywhere until the end of the school year.  The two options for where to live were to stay put in Texas or to move to Wichita KS near my parents.  After only a few months I decided that if I was able to handle the demands of my family here in Ft Worth then I didn't want to relocate to Kansas.  

I made the landlord an generous offer but he decided that he didn't wish to sell the house.  So I started looking at homes in our neighborhood.  I finally found one that will meet our needs but was still within our budget. We negotiated back and forth for a week, but finally settled on a price.  The house is in the same neighborhood and directly across the street from the elementary school.  It's close enough to Laura's best friend that they will be able to ride their bikes to each others house.

Now, I have to start working through my repair list.  I had to order some new furniture and make plans for which items we will keep, and what will be discarded.  We also have to move all of our belongings before our summer road trip.  I'll be moving things one room at a time over the next few months.  We will be out of our old home before the end of May.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Making new memories

Tonight, I'm posting from our new trailer.  I bought it six weeks ago, but we were waiting until the warmer weather set in to give it a test run.

I wanted to find a way to travel with all the kids in relative comfort without breaking the bank.  I had always been interested in camping while enjoying the comfort of air conditioning and avoiding the hassle of setting up and breaking camp every day.  I never slept well when tent camping, and generally had a miserable experience.  I had plenty of experience camping in the Boy Scouts even backpacking through the mountains of New Mexico several times.  So I can camp out under the most primitive conditions, but I would much rather enjoy air conditioning with a refrigerator full of cold drinks.

This summer, we are planning a month long road trip to Florida.  With this trailer, we can travel without paying through the nose for hotels, or have to fight through airports.  We will be traveling to Key West, and spending a few days at Disney World.  I am looking forward to scuba diving with Clint and Laura, visiting Cape Canaveral, the Everglades, and many other spots.

I told myself last year that we would not stop enjoying the wonderful blessings that God has given us.  Things may be more difficult handling 5 kids by myself but I'm not going to deny my kids the opportunity to see the USA.  Sarah wouldn't have wanted me to.