Sunday, April 22, 2018

Moving sucks

March and April have been incredibly busy with kids activities, Spring Break, and flight training.  So, I've been slowly moving our stuff to the new house each weekend.  My parents came down twice for a few days to help make some repairs, sort clothes, organize closets, and move some of the lighter items.

Last week after the birthday party we had reached to point where we needed to move the beds, and appliances.  I got the little boys bunkbeds moved with the help of our babysitter (not exactly "light housework") but was completely wasted by the end of the day.  At that point we were officially living in the new house.

I hired a moving crew to help out with the remainder of bulky items.  With their help, we got all the big items moved and we are finally all moved in.  There is still a good bit of unpacking and organizing to do, but we are in our new home.

I have until the end of May to finish cleaning out the old house.  Most of that stuff will be trashed, sold, or given away.

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Andrew is 3!

Happy third birthday Andrew!

Yesterday we celebrated Andrew's third trip around the sun.  My parents had come down to help us move and stayed around for the party.  I invited Sarah's parents and my brother in law's family who were able to come as well.

We met at our new house and I cooked a simple lunch of hamburgers and hot dogs.  I got to enjoy cooking out on our back porch and filling up the house with people socializing.  All of my in-laws and other guests were very impressed with how the house looked.

Andrew had a little trouble with the concept of opening presents infant of an audience, but he figured it out pretty quickly.

My phone ran out of batteries when it was time to cut the cake, but Lisa managed to get some pictures.


All in all we had a great time getting the extended family together and breaking in the new house.

Sunday, April 8, 2018


I have to put Snowbell to sleep.  She bit my daughter's BFF in the face last night, the poor little girl had to have a plastic surgeon fix her face so it wouldn't scar.  

Snowbell had been acting aggressive toward strange kids, but never threatened anyone she knew.  She was fine around adults or older kids, and was never aggressive toward other dogs.  Emily is over here so much I tell everyone that she is my extra daughter and has played with Snowbell often without even the slightest hint of a problem.  Snowbell treated her just like one of my own kids.

I never saw this coming.  The girls were cooking in the kitchen and I was trying to light the fireplace.  Emily turned toward me and Snowbell just jumped up and lunged at her biting at her face.  Emily didn't do anything to provoke this that I can identify.  She cried out "What just happened?" and was clutching her face.  I saw the blood and a big laceration on her right cheekbone.  I sent Laura to go get her mom and bandaged it up as best I could.

I am absolutely heartbroken that the animal I love so much would turn one of our family like this.  I just can't trust her around kids again, if she would do this to Emily, then she will do it to anyone.  I consider it a miracle that she wasn't hurt worse, but it easily could have been.  

Here is some pictures from happier times