Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Prepping for Summer

Our summer plans are going to keep us busy and on the road for most of June and July.  So, I've spent the past few weeks making plans and getting ready.

I've been making campsite reservations and plans for activities along the way.  This past week has all been about trailer maintenance and modifications.

I built some shelves for the pantry so I will have some more usable storage space.

The trailer was built with an "outdoor kitchen" but I found that in practice the stove top was too small to be useful, and the sink was useless.  I took out the "kitchen" slide out and built a new tray slide to install in it's place.  This will give me a lot more work space and a place to put a larger portable grill.

The final modification I made was a sentimental one.

Back in September, several of my old friends from my time in the Marine Corps bought me a fire ring and glider bench to put on my back porch.  They ordered a plaque for Sarah's memory to add to the bench, but I never installed it.  When I was moving I came across it and decided to add it to the trailer.

This summer is all about making new memories but Sarah will always be with us.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Dating again


That has been the near universal reaction when I mention that I might start dating again.  I share that opinion of the modern dating game.

Through this process, I've made a determined effort to keep my focus on the future.  Sarah and I had 18 wonderful years together, and nothing will ever diminish that.  I'm a loner by nature, and I could be happy on my own, but I would also like to share this life with someone.  If circumstances were reversed I wouldn't want her to remain alone, and I don't think she would either.

The first thing I had to figure out is that Sarah isn't an "ex".  Her memory will always be with us, and honoring those memories is critical for the development of our kids.  Her picture will always be in my home, I'm not going to purge mementos out of my home, and I will always look back on our years together with happiness.

Dating again means that I have to think about what kind of woman I would want to bring into my life.  Unfortunately I'm afraid that I will be hunting for a unicorn.  Someone who doesn't have any kids, is willing to take on mine, and doesn't want to have any of her own.  She would also need not be much taller than me, reasonably attractive, and oh by the way actually be attracted to me.  So I'm not asking for much.  ðŸ˜‰

I was never the guy who dated a lot of girls, in fact I think I only dated three or four girls before I met Sarah.  I was older than 20 before I actually kissed a girl and when Sarah and I started hanging out, she was the one who kissed me.  Self confidence was not my strong area.  So, with all that experience, I'm somehow supposed to navigate the modern dating scene all over again.

Sarah was the only woman that has ever looked at me with true romantic love in her eyes, and I wouldn't be surprised if that fact will remain unchanged.  I'll never know what I ever did to make her fall in love with me, but I'm really glad she did.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Helicopter pilot

I passed my commercial helicopter pilot checkride this week.

I've dreamt of flying helicopters since I was in the Marine Corps working as a mechanic.  I never had the time or money to pursue my helicopter rating.  I focused on flying airplanes and always looked with envy at helicopter pilots.

I began training back in November with my discovery flight.  I was able to hover on my first lesson (not well, but not ugly either).   I started taking regular lessons in December flying two to three times per week.

I was more nervous for this checkride than any one I've been subject to for a long time.  I'm confident in my ability to fly just about any airplane, but the helicopter is a completely different animal.  Fortunately the FAA examiner was my old boss at Careflite so I knew that he would give me a fair evaluation.

The day was overcast and pretty windy, but the winds were directly down the runway and fairly steady so I went ahead with the flight.  I flew fairly well and was happy when I finally shut down and the checkride was successfully over.