Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Helicopter pilot

I passed my commercial helicopter pilot checkride this week.

I've dreamt of flying helicopters since I was in the Marine Corps working as a mechanic.  I never had the time or money to pursue my helicopter rating.  I focused on flying airplanes and always looked with envy at helicopter pilots.

I began training back in November with my discovery flight.  I was able to hover on my first lesson (not well, but not ugly either).   I started taking regular lessons in December flying two to three times per week.

I was more nervous for this checkride than any one I've been subject to for a long time.  I'm confident in my ability to fly just about any airplane, but the helicopter is a completely different animal.  Fortunately the FAA examiner was my old boss at Careflite so I knew that he would give me a fair evaluation.

The day was overcast and pretty windy, but the winds were directly down the runway and fairly steady so I went ahead with the flight.  I flew fairly well and was happy when I finally shut down and the checkride was successfully over.

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